Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Audience Profiling - Checkpoints

1. Demographic profiling is the most basic form of identifying the target audience. They can be grouped together based on age,class,gender etc.

2. Psychographic profiling is used often by advertisers. This is when the audience instead of being grouped in groups difficult to target is grouped based on their needs and motivations.

3. Avertisers nickname niche groups as it is an easier method of defining their target audience for example DINKYS (double income no kids yet).

Uses and gratifications - Checkpoints

1. Blumer and Katz suggested four motivations.
- Diversion - escape from daily life.
- Personal relationships - using media for emotional interaction.
- Personal identity - contructing their own identity from characters in media texts, and learning behaviour and values.
- Surveillance - information gathering.

2. Cultural code is when a particular text will appeal to A/B audience and another text to a C/D audience. This is based on the importance of socio-economic differences in shaping the ways in which an audience interprets a text.

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